
Build with Maze

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Commercial Roof Restoration

Extend The Life of Your Commercial Roof

Many times when Building Owners or Property Managers are experiencing major issues with their Commercial Roofs, they assume a complete Commercial Roof Replacement is the only option. The truth is, in a lot of cases a Commercial Roof Restoration will greatly extend the life of an aging Commercial Roof.

Most commercial roofs end up being replaced before the end of their useful life due to a shortage of concrete facts and information about Commercial Roof Restoration Systems. When it comes down to it, adding more life to you Commercial Roof means keeping more money in your pocket!

When Is A Commercial Roof Restoration Appropriate?

Opting for a Commercial Roof Restoration at the appropriate time can potentially save you up to half the cost of a complete roof replacement.  It can also save you from unnecessary disruption of your business activities, and prevent landfill waste generated in the process of a complete roof replacement.

There are several reasons why a Commercial Roof Restoration might make more sense than a complete roof replacement; let’s check out some of them below:

Keeps Your Property In Shape

First impressions matter!  As a business owner, you know how important it is for your customers to have a positive view of your business, including your commercial building. Having a well maintained commercial roof will help to create a good first impression on your clients and partners alike.

Further, a well maintained and cosmetically appealing building helps to maintain employee morale by providing a sense of security and pride in the work place. Restoring an old Commercial Roof sends a strong message to your team that you care about them and where they work.

Commercial Roof Restoration
Commercial Roof Restoration

Enhances Your Building’s Energy Efficiency

Professional Commercial Roof Restoration applications such as Commercial Roof Coatings contribute greatly to your building’s energy efficiency by providing a heat resistant barrier decreasing the amount of time and energy necessary to cool your building.

Further, an effectively sealed roof serves as a great insulation, helping to maintain the buildings core temperature.

Improves The Safety & Productivity Levels

As a commercial building owner, the health and safety of every occupant in your property is a top priority. It’s a well-known fact that the key to increasing productivity in your business is creating a safe and happy working environment. Now imagine the consequences of a leaky roof, think about the effects of water dripping from your ceiling, while rodents and pests have a swell time passing through your roof without restrictions.

It’s easy to delay restoring your commercial roof until it becomes a real problem, but often times delaying leads to increased damages and expenses. Further, it becomes more difficult to obtain insurance on a building when the roof is significantly compromised.

Commercial Roof Restoration and Safety

Your roof is your first line of defense against the forces of nature; it is the shield that keeps your building and the investments inside it safe from harm. A weak or leaky roof exposes the rest of the building and leaves it at risk. Now imagine having to deal with damaged furniture, appliances and other equipment. It’s going to cost you a lot of money to put them in order or even replace them. All of this can be prevented with a proper Commercial Roof Restoration.

Contracting the services of a qualified roof restoration expert is key to having your commercial roof restoration done properly.

At MAZE Roofing & Construction, we have years of experience restoring all types of commercial roofs including commercial roof coatings.

Get in touch with us today to get started!

Click on any of the links below to learn more about our many commercial roof replacement options in Dallas TX :

Single Ply Roofing Dallas TX
Metal Roofing Systems Dallas TX